Town: Quincy

Volunteer activities: Two separate geology walks for the FBH at Great Blue Hill and the Quincy Quarries.  Additionally, I have been leading geology walks for other organizations here in eastern Massachusetts for many years.

FBH member since:  ~1995

Favorite Hike: Hancock Hill and Sawcut Notch Path.

Favorite thing to do in the Blue Hills: My wife and I spend time hiking and birding in every month of the year.  Additionally, walking along Burma Road, Fowl Meadow, during the bird migrations is always rewarding.

Funniest thing that happened at the Blue Hills:  Being surprised, then laughing, then pleased by the unexpected proximity of northern water snakes at St. Moritz Ponds.

Favorite activities with Friends of the Blue Hills: Giving geology walks.  I like to share my geological knowledge and enthusiasm with the public.  My walks are always filled to capacity at any property, and this warms my geological heart.