You’re Invited to the Blue Hills Annual Celebration!
Kindness Counts
Join us to support the Blue Hills Reservation
Join us on October 19th to celebrate the past year of protecting and preserving the Blue Hills together.
Our Annual Celebration is a time for friends, members, and supporters to gather, share their love for the park, honor some special contributors, and raise money to support the organization’s ongoing initiatives.
We are excited to share that our special guest speaker this year is none other than Brian Arrigo, the newly appointed DCR commissioner, who will speak with us about protecting and preserving our favorite park.
The countdown is on!
The theme of the evening ‘Kindness Counts,’ underscores everything our members do for visitors, wildlife and each other. The Commissioner will also highlight how the strong culture of stewardship that already exists in the Blue Hills strengthens the ‘Be Kind’ campaign that the DCR will launch in partnership with Friends groups, including the Friends of the Blue Hills.
You’ll have the chance to bid on and win exciting, unique auction items and experiences.
You will also enjoy delicious heavy hors d’oeuvres, games, and the opportunity to connect with people like you who love the Blue Hills.
Space is limited so sign up NOW. You won’t want to miss this opportunity to celebrate with friends while protecting our forest and trails!
Please purchase your tickets at the door! We look forward to seeing you.
Thursday, October 19, 2023
7:00 – 9:00 p.m.
Canton Town Club
300 Bailey Street
Canton, MA
Ticket Prices:
$55 in-person at the door
The Blue Hills, The Best Dinner Ever, and You (Enter the Raffle to Win!)

Yes indeed, in one lovely gesture, you can help to clean, protect, and preserve the Blue Hills . . . and enter to win a spectacularly scrumptious dinner for 6 — YUM!
Please help the Friends of the Blue Hills take care of our beloved local treasure by participating in this year’s Dinner in the Blue Hills Raffle.
With each raffle entry, you’ll increase your chances of winning a dinner for you and 5 other special people of your choice, provided by Northern Spy, nestled at the center of the Paul Revere Heritage site in Canton.
And, get this: if you win, you’ll experience a meal you’ll savor for a lifetime . . . because your setting will be the top of the Blue Hills Observatory and your view will be unforgettable: the woods, the hills, the city of Boston, on and on, down to the Atlantic Ocean.
A few good friends + some fantastic food + unparalleled ambience = 5 stars!
Your winning meal will include a mouth-watering meal of an appetizer, an entrée, and a dessert.
Raffle tickets are $15 each or 3/$35.
Good luck — and thank you so much for supporting the Friends of the Blue Hills!
About the Keynote Speaker
Brian Arrigo is Commissioner of the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR). As Commissioner of DCR, he is focused on driving economic development in the state through tourism and recreation at our state parks; building healthier communities; meeting our climate limits by preserving our natural resources; and nurturing our next generation of environmentalists.
Prior to his appointment as Commissioner of DCR in April 2023, he served as Mayor of the City of Revere for seven years. A graduate of Suffolk University, Arrigo resides in Acton with his wife Daveen and their two sons Joseph and Jack.

Thank you to our 2023 Honorees
Bob Vogel started hiking in college in 1966 and finished the New Hampshire 4,000 Footers in 1969.
He became involved in Friends of the Blue Hills trail work from the start and has “adopted” Five Corners Path and the Mattapan Trail. As a Friends of the Blue Hills Trail Adopter, he regularly maintains these trails to help keep them clear and safe for all to use. He leads trail work trips to the Blue Hills weekly, and does several trips to “Cut the Big Trees!” that fall across trails.
The last two years, he’s co-organized a “Winter Trail Trace the Blue Hills” series for the AMC. This year, 11 people finished a map, and he has no plans to stop tracing trails. Bob’s maps are featured on the Friends of the Blue Hills 125-Mile Club webpage to help others follow his lead in covering all 125 miles of Blue Hills’ trails.
Bob is a stellar example of everyday people being kind to the hills and to each other. Thank you, Bob!
Rosa Zhang started hiking in 2014 and quickly went from beginner to avid leader. She loves to bring people together to enjoy the outdoors and has organized several Blue Hills hiking and biking meetups to get people out on the trails. In fact, she has led more than 2,000 hikes in the Blue Hills, including those with “Rosa’s Early Risers.” Join her at 6:30 am all year round! Rosa regularly leads hikes for the Friends, mentoring new hike leaders so they can benefit from her expertise.
And let’s not forget her passion for biking! She is on the AMC Boston Chapter biking committee and is a Biking Leader.
Rosa’s love of the Blue Hills and her love of sharing it with others makes her a natural fit for recognition by the Friends. Thank you, Rosa!
Judy Lehrer Jacobs
Over the last two decades, Judy has partnered with dedicated volunteers, Board leaders and many supporters to expand the Friends’ ability to care for the park’s forest and trails, protect the borders of the park from development and increase access to the park.
Sponsorship Opportunities
Sponsorship Opportunities
Advertisement space is in the Annual Celebration program is available for purchase! Your sponsorship greatly supports the Friends of the Blue Hills and its mission to preserve and protect the Blue Hills Reservation.
Please note, ads must be placed by Friday, September 29, 2023, to be included in the program slideshow and web version.
All the entitlements of the $3,000-level sponsorship level, plus:
- Announcement of sponsorship at event
- Full page ad/logo with premium placement in slideshow program at event and in web version
- Sponsor name or logo prominently shared on event website and social media platforms
- Sponsor name and/or logo prominently listed on sponsor board
- 10 event tickets (instead of 8) with reserved seating, if requested
All the entitlements of the $1,000-level sponsorship level, plus:
- Full page ad/logo (instead of 1/2 page) in slideshow program at event and in web version
- 8 event tickets (instead of 6) with reserved seating, if requested
All the entitlements of the $500-level sponsorship level, plus:
- 1/2 page ad or logo (instead of 1/4 page) in slideshow program at event and in web version
- Sponsor name or logo shared on event website and on social media platforms
- Sponsor name and/or logo listed on sponsor board at event
- 6 event tickets (instead of 4) with reserved seating, if requested
All the entitlements of the $250-level sponsorship level, plus:
- 1/4 page ad or logo (instead of 1/8 page) in slideshow program at event and in web version
- 4 event tickets (instead of 2) with reserved seating, if requested
All the entitlements of the $100-level sponsorship level, plus:
- 1/8 page ad or logo in slideshow program at event and in web version
- Sponsor name shared on event website and on social media platforms
- Sponsor name listed on sponsor board at event
- 2 event tickets with reserved seating, if requested
- Sponsor name listed in slideshow program at event and in web version – proactively shared via email with ~13,000 people but seen by many more!