Volunteer Opportunities

People like you make a big difference to the Blue Hills by volunteering.  You can choose when and how often you volunteer.  You’ll find lots of opportunities and a volunteer interest sign-up form below.

And if you don’t see something that suits your fancy, just give us a call and we’d be happy to talk to you about your interests and availability!   Let us know how you’d like to get involved! Call 781-828-1805 or email: info@FriendsoftheBlueHills.org.

Listen to some of our volunteers!

Help Our Trails & Our  Forests

For Individuals…

Want to keep trails safe and passable on your own time?  Contact us and choose a favorite trail (or even just a section), or ask for a suggestion. We’ll provide training – and furnish you with a how-to manual and tools to borrow. Adoption commitments are for a minimum of two years. Just fill out a simple report online each time you take care of your trail, and let us know if you need help.

Sign up to Adopt-a-Trail here.

Sign up to Maintain the Trails, Remove Invasives or Pick Up Trash!

You don’t need trail maintenance experience to keep habitats  healthy, protect native species from invasive plants and clean up the park.  You’ll be trained and be given whatever tools you need!  Just bring gloves (if you have them), some water and a can-do attitude. You’ll find more information about upcoming events on our calendar page.

For Groups…
Youth, Community, and Corporate Group Trail Maintenance Activities

Contact us if your workplace, community organization or youth group is looking for outdoor community service activities.  Each year, we lead groups of all ages in activities that help make the forest healthier.  We also have some trail maintenance activities for older teens. 



Help get mailings out. We have over 1000 members and you can help us reach them all!


Advocacy Committee

Every potential threat to the park – whether it’s lack of funding for key park resources, potentially damaging policies or development proposals – requires us to adopt a different approach. Learn about one of these issues and some of the methods used in a campaign. Activities could include organizing a letter-writing campaign, sending letters to the editor, or working with other groups to promote the issue.

Clean Park Committee

Do you want to see a cleaner park?  Do you want to help develop messages that will resonate with park users… and organize people to have fun and spread the word to keep our park clean?  Join our Clean Park Committee and help us develop campaigns to change behavior of visitors to the park.

Outreach and Stewardship Committee

Help reach the people who care most about the park by spending a few hours making phone calls, writing Thank You cards, or tabling at an event in your community.

Like to talk to people on the phone?  We’d love your help making calls to thank people or invite them to events!

Like talking to people but more of an in-person kinda volunteer?  We’d love help tabling at events in your community!

Like writing hand-written notes?  We’d love help thanking – with a personal touch – our generous donors!

Program Committee

Help plan community festivals in the park and other programs designed to encourage people to learn about and enjoy the Reservation and garner public support for the park.  Whether you like to organize speakers and events, welcome people as they arrive, guide arts and crafts for youth, or man the refreshments table, there are plenty of opportunities to support the park!

Social Media & Marketing

Do you love to tweet, post or share?  We would love your help getting the word out… whether to promote events, membership drives for advocacy campaigns… sharing with your social network is a wonderful way to help the Blue Hills! 

Development & Fundraising

Help raise funds to ensure the Blue Hills is protected and preserved by helping us reach new people… and engage people who are already committed to the organization. You may also help plan or  host house parties and other fundraising activities!