Suggested Hikes
Want to go Hiking near Boston? Then the Blue Hills are for you!
We invite you to explore the opportunities to go hiking near Boston by searching for a trail that’s right for you. Search for a hike in the Blue Hills to get a new perspective of how fun it can be to go hiking near Boston, or click on a hike below to find out more about any of these opportunities to go hiking near Boston in the Blue Hills. After you’ve picked your trail, see below for tips on how to prepare.
Download a free chart of the Blue Hills trails, detailing 19 of the best hiking trails ranked by difficulty. Includes including parking and distance.
A short hike with great views, this trail is lots of fun for children who like rock scrambling.
Great Blue Hill
Thousands of hikers ascend Great Blue Hill each year to enjoy the fantastic view.

St. Moritz to former Civilian Conservation Corps camp
Visit the site of the former Civilian Conservation Corps camp, which housed workers as part of President Roosevelt’s response to the Great Depression in the 1930s. For a 4 ½-mile, flat loop to the former camp location, park at Shea Rink, 651 Willard St, Quincy. You’ll find the trailhead at trail marker 4234 on the north side of the parking lot. Follow the green dots between St Moritz Ponds. After almost 2 miles, at marker 4091, take a right and then a left at 4083. Follow Sawcut Notch Path to 4042 and take a left to the former CCC Camp, where a sign near old concrete foundations highlights the history and significance of the camp and the men that worked there. Follow Sawcut Notch path back, taking a right at marker 4091 to follow the green dots back to Shea Rink.
Rattlesnake Hill
For a short, eventful experience of hiking near Boston, follow the Green and Blue dots from Shea Rink.
Skyline Loop Blue Blazes
This popular loop trail for hiking near Boston crosses several summits offering panoramic views.This mostly level forested loop trail takes you through oak-pine woodlands.
Slide Notch Path
In spring or early summer, look for the waterfall on Slide Notch Path.
Wolcott Path Green Dot Loop
This relatively level trail through large hardwood forests begins in the parking area, 500 feet north of Trailside Museum.
Dark Hollow Loop Green Dot
This mostly level forested loop trail takes you through oak-pine woodlands.
Little Blue Hill
Little Blue Hill offers a much shorter climb than Great Blue for hiking near Boston.
Skyline from Headquarters to Eliot Tower
A vigorous hike with views. This is about a two hour hike if you are walking at a moderate pace with a couple water breaks.
Ponkapoag Trail
The Ponkapoag Trail is a scenic route with beautiful views of the pond. A great trail if you’re looking for a long, peaceful, and scenic walk.
The Old 128
“Most intriguing” trail is how one FBH member categorizes The Old 128. This is the trail from the picnic areas that goes along the old highway route. She writes: “it’s fascinating to see the old road and we’ve always wondered about it – what all the old markings mean and how quickly it went back to nature…”
Buck Hill via Skyline
Those folks looking for a short trail that is kid friendly – from preschoolers to seniors – would love this hour adventure of strolling or hiking near Boston.
Wolcott Path/Border Path
This mostly level forested loop trail takes you through oak-pine woodlands.
Fowl Meadow
Easy flat stroll. A great place for hiking near Boston with kids of all ages.
Quincy Quarries
The whole family will enjoy picnicking on the grass, surrounded by colorful graffiti-covered cliffs. You’ll find short, scenic hiking near Boston.
Houghton’s Pond Yellow Dot Loop
A short scenic trail around popular Houghton’s Pond. Not only is it a great place for hiking near Boston, but also for swimming in the summer!
What Will you Find When You Go Hiking near Boston in the Blue Hills?
Where else can you go hiking near Boston and find 125 miles of trails? Wander through shady woods on Little Blue Hill, climb rocky ledges to stunning views at Quincy Quarries, or bring your family on a short stroll and enjoy a swim at Houghton’s Pond.
Please share your own experience on your journey of hiking near Boston in the Blue Hills on our Facebook page or as a comment on each hike. If you like hiking near Boston at the Blue Hills and have another trail you’d like to recommend, let us know!
How to Prepare
Reservation rangers recommend that you carry water (for longer hikes) and a trail map (always) when you explore all the hiking near Boston in the reservation. Note that many trail intersections are numbered in the field with a 4-digit marking system (four black numbers on a small white wooden marker, for example, 1141). These numbers are shown on the DCR trail map. Maps can be purchased for $3.00 on the front porch at Reservation Headquarters, 695 Hillside Street, Milton, next to the State Police Station, 1/4 mile north of Houghton’s Pond. If directions are not listed, call the DCR Headquarters for clarification: 617-698-1802.
Dogs on Leashes are Welcome
Your four-legged friends are welcome in the park. Just make sure they are on leash and pick up after them. Please do not leave poop bags in the park. There is no one that will pick them up, so they just accumulate for other hikers to see. Thank you for helping to keep the park clean and enjoyable for everyone!
These suggestions for hiking near Boston in the Blue Hills Reservation have come from many sources, including the Department of Conservation and Recreation, our members – and hopefully soon… you! While we have done our best to make sure the information is accurate, we cannot guarantee all information is accurate and up-to-date. Trails and markers change, and our designations make assumptions that might not be right for you or your family. Please let us know your comments and corrections for our recommendations for hiking near Boston in the Blue Hills. Look for the comment link at the bottom of any of the hikes, or send us an email at If you’re looking for hiking near Boston, we hope you take these suggestions as a first step to exploring all the Blue Hills Reservation has to offer.