According to WBZ, Ponkapoag Golf Course is one of two publicly-owned golf courses that Governor Patrick is interested in leasing.
The WBZ article points out:
- Ponkapoag Golf Course needs millions of dollars of work.
- The third hole is literally under water and it has nothing to do with our recent rain.
- Nine of the 36 holes at Ponkpoag have been closed for years.
And while the golf course fees pays for operating expenses, they do not cover the capital improvements and the state is not planning on spending the millions it would need to fix it up.
For a 5-year lease, the Governor would not need legislative approval. But what company would invest millions of dollars in property if it only has on a short term lease? To protect the Reservation and access to the Reservation, any lease agreement would need to place restrictions on the use of the property to make sure it remains open space and to ensure that the public could continue to cross the course to access Ponkapoag Pond.