If you’ve driven Chickatawbut Road over the past few years, you’ve undoubtedly noticed that for the last five years your view of the 16-acre Blue Hills Reservoir was replaced with dirt, concrete and construction vehicles.  You might have noticed that the dust settled last fall, when the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority finished installing two 10 million-gallon covered water storage tanks in half of the Reservoir and letting the remaining 8 acres fill with water.

This weekend, for the first time since the construction began in 2007, you can visit this pocket of the Reservation, parking in a small parking lot off of Chickatawbut.  Follow the path to check out the variety of plants on the side of the pond, look for birds that might be passing through on their spring migration and enjoy the view of the water.The Blue Hills is a wonderful place to celebrate spring; this newly opened portion of the park is a great place to start.

