Another cell tower is being proposed adjacent to the Reservation (not technically “on” the Reservation), this time at Camp Sayre, a Boy Scout property on Unquity Road. Back in 1995 the property owner, in exchange for $1,700,000.00, conveyed a conservation restriction (CR) on the property to the Commonwealth. (The CR has become popular in recent years as a way of restricting development and encouraging conservation of green space, while rewarding the property owner with cash and/or tax breaks.) Generally, CRs do what you think they would–prohibit things like cell towers in park lands. That is why we are questioning this project. Similar to the Exit 3 cell tower (rejected by the Milton BOA), this proposal is unlikely to prove necessary, while potentially exposing the Reservation to harmful development and “eyesore” intrusion.
The Milton Zoning Board of Appeals has scheduled a balloon test for Saturday, April 24, from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. The next BOA hearing on the cell tower is scheduled for Wednesday, May 19 at 7:00 p.m. Please check with the Town of Milton as these dates approach.
We at Friends of the Blue Hills are friends of Camp Sayre and the Boy Scouts, who have donated much time and sweat to the Blue Hills. Like the Boy Scouts, we want to see our natural environment protected for all to enjoy.