A canopy tour proposal has been approved by the Quincy City Council. This approval starts a process with the City of Quincy and the Department of Conservation and Recreation to review the proposal and evaluate the environmental impacts and its affect on current users, including rock climbers. The FBH Board voted against the proposal as presented to the Quincy City Council because it does not evaluate the environmental impacts and its affect on current users, including rock climbers. See the Board letter explaining its position.
Balancing Recreational Use with Environmental Concerns: Canopy Tour in the Quarries
by Friends of the Blue Hills - Admin | Jul 28, 2012 | Preservation Campaigns | 2 comments

I am a home owner in West Quincy, located about 50 yards from the Blue Hill Quincy Quarry Park. I spent my first 22 years of life actively recreating,taking in the beauty of this park, and fighting diligently with the support of neighbors to protect the Quincy Quarry area from environmental ruin associated with the development of the site.
I moved back to my family home in 2001, and since then I have witnessed the transition of property from a dump to what I consider one of the most unique and beatiful features of the entire Blue Hill Reservation. Wild life has exploded with deer, hawks, snakes and a multitude of other wonderful creatures. This, together with the vastly improved trail system and the remarkable recovery of this once stressed area into a beautifully vegitated habitat for animals and nature lovers.
Rock climbers, hikers, nature lovers and a wide variety park users all embrace the natural and serine beauty of this relatively new park.
On any given day, the park boasts rubust use and on the weekends the park is close to capasity.
I believe the Canopy Tours will detract from the park experience and will cause a significant increase in “tourists” who will pay nearly $100.00 for this tour.
No doubt the vision for this park will be greatly altered, and the beautiful environment will be transformred from a recreational parkland experience to a tourist attraction. So much is at stake for residents of west Quincy. With no other local parkland in the vacinity, we must insist that this unique piece of parkland be protected from over use by Canopy Tours.
Mario – Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this important issue.