Please contact your state senator today to let him or her know you value our state parks and want to make sure they are adequately funded. See sample email below.

The Senate Ways and Means has just released its version of the state budget.  The budget is $2.7 million less than the Healey-Driscoll Administration proposed budget.

Contact your state senator today and ask him or her to sign on as co-sponsors for amendment 37 and 76 and to support them on the Senate floor.

These amendments, filed by Sen. Becca Rausch and Sen. Mike Rush, with co-filers, Sen. Jamie Eldridge and Sen. Bruce Tarr, would increase funding for the Department of Conservation and Recreation operations by $2.7 million, so that it is the same level as the line item in the budget proposed by the Healey-Driscoll Administration.

Senator Walter Timilty, who represents much of the Blue Hills, has already co-sponsored both amendments.  If you live in the districts of Sen. Becca Rausch and Sen. Mike Rush, Sen. Jamie Eldridge, Sen. Bruce Tarr or Senator Walter Timilty, please thank them for their leadership.

Look up your state senator.

Sample Email

Dear Senator xx,

Please co-sponsor budget Amendments 37 and 76.  These amendments would provide much-needed funding for our state parks, like the Blue Hills Reservation.

The Senate Ways and Means is proposing a budget that includes funding for the Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) Parks and Recreation Operations Account (2810-0100) that is $2.7 million less than the Healey-Driscoll Administrations budget.

Sen Becca Rausch and Sen. Mike Rush have offered Amendment 37 and 76, respectively, to support our state parks and restore the Healey-Driscoll Administration’s support for the DCR.

I’m asking you to co-sponsor Amendments 37 and 76 and support them on the Senate floor.

Thank you for your support of our park.  While more people are visiting state parks like the Blue Hills, funding to support the park system has been on the decline.  A recent report found that Massachusetts ranks last in the nation for per capita spending on state and municipal parks.

I respectfully request that you co-sponsor Amendments 37 and 76 and support it on the Senate floor.

Thank you for your time and attention to this important matter.








Photo credit: Emily Murphy

Thanks to Massachusetts Conservation Voters for working with the Friends to support our state parks.