Green Up the Blue Hills takes place on Sunday, April 30, 2023, from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm at the AMC Cabins at Ponkapoag Pond.
This annual event attracts over 100 people of all ages to help protect the forest from the invasive plant, garlic mustard. This plant releases a poison in the soil so native plants do not survive. By removing garlic mustard, volunteers will keep the forest healthy for the endangered species that live at Ponkapoag Pond and all the plants and wildlife.
The Friends of the Blue Hills will provide all tools and training. Guests will also enjoy complimentary refreshments, crafts, music, face-painting and a scavenger hunt.
Sponsoring this event is a great way to align your organization with people in the surrounding communities that love the Blue Hills and want to make sure that the park’s forest stays healthy for a long time to come.

Sponsorship Levels
Ponkapoag Boardwalk – $1,000
All the entitlements of the $500-level sponsorship level, plus:
- Display of sponsor banner at their own on-site event table or pop-up display
- Acknowledgment of sponsor in all 3 issues of member newsletter
Fisherman’s Cove – $500
All the entitlements of the $250-level sponsorship level, plus:
- Inclusion of sponsor name on event banner
- Ability to set up a table (or branded pop-up) or provide a giveaway with sponsor logo/branding at event
- Acknowledgment of sponsor in 2 issues of member newsletter
- Inclusion of sponsor name in press releases and publicity
- Placement of sponsor logo on the Friends of the Blue Hills homepage for 12 months
Ponkapoag Trail – $250
- Acknowledgment of sponsor in 2 emails to Friends of the Blue Hills members (~1,000 people)
- Recognition of sponsor at event
- Listing of sponsor logo on Friends of the Blue Hills Green Up event webpage
Please consider supporting Green Up with a tax-deductible donation (#04-2627412) to the Friends of the Blue Hills.
Gifts can be made on the form above or by check mailed to P.O. Box 416, Milton, MA 02186.
For more information regarding sponsorship, please contact The deadline for sponsorships is April 21, 2023.