Protect our Parks.... Contact Your State Senator Today!


Write or call your state senator to protect public lands.


Act today to Protect the Blue Hills

As you may know, our public land, including the Blue Hills, is vulnerable to ‘land exchanges.’  With a two-thirds vote of each branch of the legislature, our parkland – covered by Article 97 of the Commonwealth Constitution – can be taken away or changed in use.
Existing policies and procedures help protect our public land, but they can be changed on the whim of the administration on Beacon Hill.  They are not law.  
An Act Preserving Open Space in the Commonwealth S.2820 – also known as the Public Lands Preservation Act – would codify existing policy and practice in addition to requiring that the public be notified of any proposed land disposition or change in use.
This legislation has been making incremental progress in the state legislature for several years and TOMORROW, this Thursday, April 14, the state Senate is scheduled to vote on it.

Please contact your state Senator and urge him or her to vote for this bill, with Senator Eldridge’s amendment (amendment number 1).

Take Action:  Email or Call Your State Senator

See below for a sample email and links to find your legislators.

This bill would help to further the long-standing goal of preventing the loss of constitutionally protected public lands, like state parks and conservation land. The bill would require:
  •  Any land taken must be replaced by land of comparable acreage, location, and market and natural resource value, (which would help protect the total acreage of parkland)
  • Evidence that a feasible alternative to destroying parkland is not available.
  • Notification of the public and the Executive Office of Environmental Affairs prior to filing legislation petitioning a change in the use or disposition of public land. This would allow municipalities the chance to confirm if replacement land is deemed suitable by EEA and the public prior to moving forward with the land disposition process.
  • Enforceable regulations to implement the law.

Land in the Blue Hills was Approved to be Transferred to Private Ownership

In the early 2000s, land in the Blue Hills was approved to be transferred to private ownership. The legislative vote to approve the swap took place in the middle of the night on the last day of a legislative session, without a public hearing. This bill would help protect future loss of land in the Blue Hills… and all our public parks.

Protect Public Lands

photo credits:
top of page: Dan Rign
Above, left to right: Robbie McConnell, Dorchester; Michell Kelly, Milton; and Christine Paxhia, Milton
Below: Jessica Mabbutt, San Diego

Sample Email

Re: Public Lands Preservation Act (S.2820)

Dear Senator  ____________________:

I am writing to urge you to vote in favor of Senator Eldridge’s Amendment I to “An Act Preserving Open Space in the Commonwealth” (S.2820) and then vote in favor of the amended bill.

This bill would provide needed protection for our public parks, forests, and other public lands by codifying current state policy and would:

  • Help to ensure no net loss of lands or easements protected under Article 97
  • Require an analysis of alternatives to the changes in the use of public land that are proposed
  • Increase transparency by requiring prior notification to the public and the Executive Office of Environmental Affairs.

This legislation is important to me because…


  • Let them know that you are a member of the Friends of the Blue Hills.
  • Tell them why you care about the Blue Hills Reservation and/or how often you visit.
  • Let them know that the current Article 97 disposition process is unclear and can be inefficient.  The bill would make the process more efficient, saving towns money.
  • Let them know you are concerned about water supplies; the Blue Hills and a lot of public natural resource land help protect the watershed.
  • And please cc us ( when you email, so we know you’ve taken action!

Please let me know if you you voting for this important legislation.  Thank you for your attention to this issue.



Protect Public Lands Today!

Contact your State Senator