Who knew helping out could TASTE SO GOOD?!
Yes indeed, in one lovely gesture, you can help to clean, protect, and preserve the Blue Hills . . . and enter to win a spectacularly scrumptious dinner for 6 — YUM!
Please help the Friends of the Blue Hills take care of our beloved local treasure by participating in this year’s Dinner in the Blue Hills Raffle.
With each raffle entry, you’ll increase your chances of winning a dinner for you and 5 other special people of your choice, provided by Northern Spy in Canton.
And, get this: if you win, you’ll experience a meal you’ll savor for a lifetime . . .because your setting will be the top of the Blue Hills Observatory and your view will be unforgettable: the woods, the hills, the city of Boston, on and on, down to the Boston Harbor. (Ambience = 4 stars!)
Raffle tickets are $15 each or 3/$35.
The deadline to purchase tickets is 7:30 pm on October 19th and the winner will be announced at the Blue Hills Bash which takes place on the evening of October 19th. You do not need to be present to win.
Good luck — and thank you so much for supporting the Friends of the Blue Hills!

The fine print… The date must be agreed to by the raffle winner, the Northern Spy, the Blue Hill Observatory and the Friends of the Blue Hills. The dinner must take place before October 19, 2024. Prize is non-transferable.