One of the questions on a recent Jeopardy TV show was of local interest and even made news on a local TV station.  The category was “The 50 States” and the question was: “Rhodonite is its state gem and Roxbury puddingstone its state rock.”  The answer (in the form of a question) is “What is Massachusetts?”  One of the contestants was from Massachusetts, but she incorrectly guessed Rhode Island and no one else came up with the answer.


Examples of Roxbury puddingstone are found throughout the Blue Hills, but an impressive example is in Randolph on Route 93 South at Exit 5A to Route 28 South to Randolph.  On the right, next to the exit lane, is a vertical slope of Roxbury puddingstone that most people never notice and rarely know is our state rock.  Take a look the next time you drive by… and some day… you might just have the winning answer!

Thanks to Steve Olanoff for the question… and answer!