Name: Casey Ajalat
Town: Billerica, MA
Volunteer activities: Trail Maintenance in the Blue Hills, Organizer of the Blue Hills Hiking Club (Meetup), Assistant Organizer for the Random Group of Hikers (Meetup), AMC 3 season Hike Leader, AMC Spring Hiking Program instructor, AMC Fall & Spring Leadership program assistant.
FBH member since: 2013
Favorite thing to do in the Blue Hills:  I enjoy leading hikes for the Blue Hills Hiking Club around Elliot’s Tower and the Observatory.  I also enjoy mentoring others to become active in hiking.
Funniest thing that happened at the Blue Hills: I went on an early morning hike one time where I ran into what I thought were two bears.  I was scared at first I must admit and thought that perhaps the bug spray (aka marinade) may not have been the smartest thing to do.  But luckily it turned out to be two English Mastiff dogs which if anyone knows are gentle giants.  Little did I know that a couple of years later I would have my own English Mastiff (Boss) who loves to hike in the Blue Hills in the Winter.
Favorite activities with Friends of the Blue Hills:  Trail Maintenance has to be it.  It is rewarding hard work yet an opportunity to bond and make new friends.  My group (Blue Hills Hiking Club) makes ample use of the Blue Hills and it feels great to give back through the club in the form of additional volunteers for trail maintenance.