Feeling the Solid Ground Beneath You!
Wednesday, April 8, noon on Zoom

We hike-we walk-we enjoy the outdoors, but all of that is a bit different right now. Have you noticed? Our worlds have turned upside down, and social distancing can be isolating and confusing.

In our “Feeling the Solid Ground” Zoom gathering we will CONNECT THROUGH OUR COMMON GROUND…LOVE OF THE OUTDOORS, AND practice mindful awareness-breath-sound sight sensation-skills to cultivate our sense of well-being RIGHT NOW through being present, whether at the home office, on the trail, or in our garden. This is a great way to SOCIALIZE with the Friends of the Blue Hills community. Led by Paula Reardon-Webster. MA Mindfulness Studies.  You’ll be emailed the Zoom link when you sign up here.

Get the Zoom link

Photo credit: Amiel Bryan (Brockton)