Carole Saia, Quincy

What do you like to do best in the Blue Hills? Usually, walk.  I usually take a walk with my 24-year old daughter who also lives in Quincy. How long have you been visiting the Blue Hills? I’ve lived in Quincy since the early 80s and grew up in Weymouth, but I know...

2012 Strategic Plan

As people who care about the park, we have an enormous job.  We want to protect the Reservation from inappropriate development, keep the forests healthy and and make sure we can continue to enjoy all the Blue Hills has to offer.  The Board of the Friends of the Blue...

Our Goals

Over the next five years we will attain the following goals toward realizing our shared vision.  By 2016: We will be organizing over 400 people annually in activities that protect the forests and make sure all visitors can enjoy the Reservation. We will be working...

Our Core Values and Vision

The foundation for all of our effort is based on our shared love for the Blue Hills Reservation, and our concern about maintaining healthy forests, beautiful views and wonderful opportunities for visitors today and for generations to come. We have articulated our core...