1331 Randolph Ave
Milton, MA 02186
Notice: There are two events taking place in the Blue Hills with the Brookline Bird Club. There are two start times at two different locations.
The Brookline Bird Club (BBC) is the largest, and one of the oldest and most active of the bird clubs in the US. Membership is open to all who are interested in birds and nature.
FBH joint walk with Brookline Bird Club. Several short hikes, each about one mile, the first of which is steep, to look for early spring migrants. Beginners are welcome. Bring binoculars and bird book if you have them. 4 hours. Meet at the small parking lot on Chickatawbut Road just off Randolph Ave. This trip consists of several short (1-mile) hikes (the first is rather steep) to look for Turkey Vultures, Pileated Woodpeckers, Eastern Bluebirds, and early-arriving Eastern Phoebes and Pine Warblers.
Blue Hills Bird Walk (Add to Calendar)