June 15, 2024 – June 21, 2024 all-day
Watersheds all over Massachusetts!
Anna Renkert
June 1-30: River Month Bingo with the Massachusetts River Alliance! @ Watersheds all over Massachusetts!

June is National Rivers Month, a perfect time to connect with and celebrate our beautiful rivers! Bring River Bingo on your adventures this month for your chance to win Mass Rivers swag!

Did you know? The Neponset River Watershed runs through the Fowl Meadow area of the Blue Hills Reservation.

Over the month of June, fill out a River Bingo card! Submit your card and at least 1 photo of something you saw whenever you finish getting 4 in a row to annarenkert@massriversalliance.org. (Please use the honor system – original photos only). Completed cards with accompanying photos are due June 30th at midnight.

Visit the Mass Rivers website to download a bingo card, see what kind of swag is on offer, and discover recreational opportunities in every watershed across the state.