Our Blog
Winter Biking… the unusual winter sport
Steve Cobble, avid all-weather biker, gives tips on mountain biking in the Blue Hills... especially in the winter! https://youtu.be/j4Eu8m-am2E
Tips for Winter Hiking
This Week on Blue Hills A-Live, your weekly guide to the Blue Hills, Steve Olanoff gives tips for keeping warm when you're hiking in this chilly weather... You'll also hear a little-known tidbit about Hancock Hill. (Do you know who use to own it?)...
What You’ll Learn on the Weekly Blue Hills A-Live
Join us each week for Blue Hills A-Live, your weekly Facebook Live Guide to the Blue Hills! Find us each week on Facebook, Thursdays at noon. You can ask questions, add your comments... and enjoy the Blue Hills community! Don't miss Blue Hills A-Live... sign up for...
Thank You!
A big thank you to YOU and the nearly 300 people who donated to the Blue Hills Forever Fund and helped raise $$22,655! Thank you for supporting the Blue Hills! https://youtu.be/urQvzD8l2gM
Blue Hills Reservation 27th Annual First Day Hikes
First Day Hikes Blue Hills Wildlife: noon – 1 pm Hot cocoa & snacks for sale Three DCR Ranger-led Hikes at 1 pm Houghton's Pond main parking lot, 840 Hillside St, Milton, MA Join the “Granddaddy of First Day Hikes” and celebrate New Year’s Day in the Blue Hills....
Job Posting: Part-time Social Media Assistant
Friends of the Blue Hills Social Media Assistant The Friends of the Blue Hills is a volunteer-driven organization dedicated to protecting and preserving the Blue Hills Reservation in its natural state and serves as a watchdog of activities that might adversely affect...
Transcript: Blue Hills A-Live interview with Les Tyrala
Blue Hills A-Live interview with Les Tyrala Judy Jacobs: Have you ever walked up Great Blue Hill from the Trailside Museum on the Red Dot trail? Have you ever thought about how unique it is? How Great Blue is the highest point around, and the rocks that you scramble...
Re-buliding History at Brookwood Farm
Steven O'Shaughnessy, an expert in preservation carpentry from North Bennet Street School, describes some of the rich history of Brookwood Farm. https://youtu.be/85P25UnM8Ec
Toy Collection Ride
Blue Hills A-Live Sign Up!
Many thanks to our sponsor: Tom O'Neill of Success! Realty in Milton.
Sound Map of the Blue Hills
Last fall, dozens of Friends' volunteers recorded noise levels in the Blue Hills. Volunteers emailed the noise data to Boston University researchers who created a noise map of a portion of the Blue Hills. (See below.) The Boston University research team was led by...
Traffic Advisory Related to Controlled Deer Hunt
DCR Traffic Advisory: Blue Hills State Reservation in Milton WHAT: On Tuesday, November 28, 2017, Thursday, November 30, 2017, Tuesday, December 5, 2017, and Thursday, December 7, 2017, the Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) will institute road...
#OptOutside at Houghton’s Pond
Friday, November 24, 10am Visitors Center at Houghton’s Pond, 840 Hillside Street in Milton The Friends of the Blue Hills has once again joined REI’s #OptOutside campaign to encourage people to enjoy the outdoors on Friday, November 24. Rather than spend the day at...
Hidden Creatures of the Blue Hills
Hidden under leaves and on trees, are fascinating creatures... snake-mimics and... bird-poop mimics. Sam Jaffe shows all. https://youtu.be/ox7F14rI0Vs
Sneak Peek at the Eustis Estate
The Eustis Estate sits right next to the Blue Hills... come to the Annual Celebration this Thursday, October 5th to learn how. And watch the video with Peter Gittleman to get insights into the Eustis Estate and it's rich history. https://youtu.be/fDb_D13D7-Q
What’s Invading the Blue Hills?
Some of the forests in the Blue Hills are threatened... listen to Rick Kesseli, UMass Boston Chair of the Biology Department, to learn how during Blue Hills A-Live, the Facebook Live show. Join us for the next one, Tuesday, 1pm on October 10th....
Great Silent Auction Items!
Annual Celebration! Thursday, October 5, 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm, Milton Hoosic Club Discounted ticket rate: $35 through midnight, October 2 Please join us for this special evening of food, friends and festivities.... and see below for the great silent auction items! ...
What an Ultra-marathon Runner Sees
David Dobrindt runs over 1,500 miles in the Blue Hills each year. Watch to see the Blue Hills from the eyes of an ultra-marathon athlete. https://youtu.be/BCwdWCJg2Ms
Are Eagles Nesting in Milton?
Are Eagles Nesting in Milton? By Lawrence Meyer Note: Check out the update about eagles born near the Blue Hills. Back in January 2016 I wrote about two eagles in Milton that had been seen regularly at Milton Landing since October 2014. I was thinking it might be...
Blue Hills A-Live — Interview with Geologist Les Tyrala
In the video below, geologist, Les Tyrala, reveals the unique geologic history of Great Blue Hill. Read the transcript. Sign-up for invites to Blue Hills A-Live, your guide to the Blue Hills on Facebook Live, every Thursday at noon, beginning January 2017....
Neponset River Clean Up
Meet: Martini Shell parking lot, 1015 Truman Parkway, Hyde Park Time: 8am – Coffee, donuts & check-in, 8:45 – Report to sites Date: September 23, 2017 Ages: 15 and up Bring: water, hat, sunblock, work gloves Wear: work clothes (no sandals). You may get very...
The Blue Hills, The Best Dinner Ever, and You (Enter the Raffle to Win!)
Who knew helping out could TASTE SO GOOD?! Yes indeed, in one lovely gesture, you can help to clean, protect, and preserve the Blue Hills . . . and enter to win a spectacularly scrumptious dinner for 6 — YUM! Please help the Friends of the Blue Hills take care of our...
Blue Hills A-Live — Starts September 19!
Facebook Live Show Launches September 19 for Four Weeks When you watch Blue Hills A-Live, you will see the hidden changes in the Blue Hills, learn about places you may not have visited and join expert guides to explore the Blue Hills. Blue Hills A-Live is a...
Eliot Tower Closed for Renovation
Eliot Tower Closed for Renovation Great Blue Hill Eliot Tower and Pavilion is getting a face-lift this Fall! The Eliot Observation Tower and Pavilion is closed for renovations. The tower and pavilion are getting a new roof and the area around the structure will be...