Our Blog
What Will You See in the Summer Newsletter?
When Dianne Joseph took this photo she saw footprints. She says, "the way sunlight reflected different shades of green, the path in the picture looks inviting. Each tree trunk has its own history its own footprint." For a peek at other photos of the Blue Hills taken...
Volunteer Spotlight: George T. Comeau
Town: Canton Volunteer activities with FBH: Judge for the FBH Photo Contest. Favorite Hike in the Blue Hills: Skyline trail from Trailside to the Shea Rink. Unbelievable views, quiet spots around very corner, and pristine trails. A nice challenge for a Sunday...
A Great Hike to See Critters
Looking for frogs? Butterflies? Birds? Head to Fowl Meadow for a flat walk through a wetlands! Join us July 18th to explore the critters and plants of this unique part of the Blue Hills. Meet the Neighbors: Who’s in our Wetlands? Monday, July 18, 6:00 pm Want to...
Finding butterflies with your family
Adults and children from Milton, Canton and Quincy climbed Great Blue Hill yesterday to explore butterflies and caterpillars with Sam Jaffe. We all learned why Great Blue is one of the best places to see these beautiful creatures! To continue exploring the Blue...
Deer and Deer Ticks
Channel 5 News reported on deer and problems with deer ticks in the Blue Hills. Here's an excerpt from the article:An area inside Blue Hills Reservation may look like nothing more than a bunch of dried out, broken plants, but Tom O'Shea of the Division of Wildlife and...
Volunteer Spotlight: Deb DaSilva
Town: South Easton Volunteer activities: FBH Board, BioWatch (program to contain invasive species that threaten rare and endangered species.) staffing an FBH information table at park events like Maple Sugar Days. FBH member since: 2009 Favorite Hike: Ponkapoag Pond...
Canton and Milton Residents Highlight Lyme Disease Concerns
Healthy populations of deer mean that deer populations are about 10 deer per square mile. According to Sonja Christensen from the Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife, the deer population in the Blue Hills is closer to 30 deer per square mile.That was just...
Even for birders the woodcock is a tricky bird to find
On Sunday evening in Fowl Meadow, FBH Board member Steve Olanoff led a group in search of the American Woodcock. Steve assured us that if we ever hear one, "we're in for a treat." The male has a rather unusual mating ritual which includes a low nasal call. He then...
Please Don’t Let Dogs Run Through Vernal Pools!
As I wander through the Blue Hills these days, I know spring is here, because I can hear the chorus of the wood frogs and spring peepers as I pass vernal pools. If you are not familiar with the term "vernal pools", these are seasonal ponds that are wet for a few...
Volunteer Spotlight: Caleb Blankenship
Town: Milton Volunteer activities: Trail Maintenance Most adults would say that Caleb Blankenship grew up on a dead end street in Milton. Caleb, however, would say he lived on a thoroughfare to the Blue Hills. He can recall countless adventures that began at his...
Researcher says deer are killing the forest
In some of our recent posts on deer impacts in the Blue Hills, some people commented that they would like to see data on the deer population and the effects on local plant species. The Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation will be conducting research...
Environmental Mixer a Success
Over 100 people attended the Friends of the Blue Hills’ Environmental Mixer on Monday to meet the candidates, show their support for environmental issues and learn where the candidates stand on key environmental initiatives. We appreciate Selectman Burr and Senator...
Where Do the Candidates Stand?
Updated September, 2010 As part of our continuing efforts to keep our members informed and our political leaders responsive, Friends of the Blue Hills sent an environmental questionnaire in August to 29 candidates for House and Senate seats in districts surrounding...
What’s the new land like?
This information from a DCR planner speaks to the environmental quality of the Reservation property.56.7 acres of open land located in the Town of Canton, MA, acquired from the Canton Wayland Real Property Trust in July, 2010 explicitly for conservation and open space...
57 Acres Added to Reservation
You can’t visit it now. But 57 acres are already added to the Blue Hills. On July 30th, the Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) purchased 57 acres for $198,000 to add to the Blue Hills Reservation. In a year or so, when construction of a sewer line is...
Mile-a-minute in the news
The mile-a-minute vine made the news yesterday. Click here for the full story. Here's an excerpt. The "state conservation land in Canton" that they mention? You guessed it! The Blue Hills!But the worst infestation in the state is on state conservation land in Canton,...
Mini Fenway Update
From today's Sun Chronicle newspaper:No vote on NA Fenway replicaNORTH ATTLEBORO - Calling the reasons for the request "unacceptable," selectmen decided not to vote on whether to allow Mini Fenway developers more time to refine plans for the project.Instead, the board...
Cell Tower Voted Down
At the Milton Board of Appeals meeting last Tuesday, the Board rejected T-Mobile's proposal to build a cell tower at Camp Sayer. For a Boston Globe article on the vote, click here. Below is FBH's second letter to the Board of Appeals. Here's our first.John S. Leonard,...
Camp Sayre Cell Tower Rejected
Tonight the Milton Board of Appeals rejected an application by T-Mobile to erect and operate a 120 foot cell tower at Camp Sayre, a Boy Scout property that abuts the Blue Hills Reservation on Unquity Road. The Board relied chiefly on a conservation restriction that...
Deer me!
Here's a great article on how deer populations affect the health of the entire ecosystem.
Soccer Fields Renovated at Houghton’s
Good news for local soccer fans. Senator Joyce has modified the project scope at Houghton's Pond to renovate the soccer fields as well as the soft ball fields. Soccer Fields Added to Houghton’s Project By Kathy Kurtz Ferrari, Milton Times Staff Writer 5/20/10 While...
Billboard Blocks Blue Hills
The Dedham Transcript reports that residents in Dedham and Westwood oppose the MWRA's proposal to build a huge billboard in front of the Route 128 train station because it's ugly... and would block their view of the scenic Blue Hills. We applaud Rep Paul McMurtry for...
Patrick Wants to Lease Ponk
According to WBZ, Ponkapoag Golf Course is one of two publicly-owned golf courses that Governor Patrick is interested in leasing. The WBZ article points out: Ponkapoag Golf Course needs millions of dollars of work. The third hole is literally under water and it has...
Rare Bunnies in the Blue Hills?
Thanks to Debbie Neumann for researching and writing this post!There are rabbits in the Blue Hills, and they may be a somewhat rare species. Massachusetts has two species of cottontail rabbits. The New England cottontail is native to the area and used to be found in...