Department of Conservation and Recreation is creating a Master Plan for Ponkapoag Pond, which includes improving the parking at Fisherman’s Cove and building a new bog board walk.  The plan also calls for signage at entrances to the park in Randolph.

The Department of Conservation and Recreation held a public meeting on the Ponkapoag Pond Master Plan on June 8th to discuss the updated plan.  If you missed the public hearing on the Master Plan, you can see the PowerPoint here.  You can watch the video of the hearing here.

The Friends has been participating in the development of the plan as a member of the Master Plan Working Group.

According to DCR, their vision for Ponkapoag Pond is to protect and restore the ecologically sensitive landscape as we create an accessible and sustainable outdoor destination – featuring hiking, boating, horse riding, and cross-country skiing – that provides an opportunity to educate park users about the rich and diverse ecology of the ACEC. The project scope also includes an early action project at Fisherman’s Cove, to improve vehicular and pedestrian circulation and create accessible parking and routes.

The Friends of the Blue Hills submitted comments after the two public hearings.

Read the first Friends of the Blue Hills public comments submitted December 2021.

Read the second Friends of the Blue Hills’ Ponkapoag Master Plan comments submitted June 2022.