A private company proposed building 276 housing units right next to the portion of the Blue Hills called Fowl Meadow on Brush Hill Road in Milton. The five-story buildings would have severely damaged the sensitive wetland habitat in Fowl Meadow.
We are exceedingly pleased that the developer, Milton Mews, withdraw its proposal and the property is now on the open market. Perhaps the developer withdrew because of the blue-spotted salamanders that were found on the property. Maybe it was the area’s archeological significance. Or traffic and safety concerns. Or the historic nature of area. Or the obvious deep-seated opposition to the project that would destroy a beloved Blue Hills wetlands.
Whatever the reason, we are grateful to all our partners working on this issue, including Fuller Village and Canton and Milton town committees and selectmen. We are also very grateful to all our members who helped support legislation to prevent the project. And a big thank you to the legislators who worked hard to protect Fowl Meadow, including Senator Brian Joyce as well as Representatives Bill Galvin, Walter Timilty, Bruce Ayers and Claire Cronin.
We had some great news this spring (April 2014), when an FBH Board member and others found a rare salamander on site. Learn more about salamanders near this development.
I am apalled at the proposed construction and would like information on who to contact.
Christiane, Thanks so much for supporting the Blue Hills! It would be very helpful if you could write a personalized letter and send it to your legislators, asking them to contact the chairs of the Natural Resource Committee to give the bills a favorable report out of the Committee. We have sample language for a letter here. You can find out who your legislator is here.
Thanks again. Let us know how it goes!
I am apalled by the proposed housing project and would like to contact relevant people about this.