Our Blog

Take a Break from the Holidays Right at Home

Need a vacation from the holidays before they even start?  Even if you don’t have much time, you can still get a respite from the hustle and bustle by exploring a new part of the Blue Hills.  Here’s one suggestion for your quick, local family get-away. Start on the...

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Volunteer Spotlight: Amir Degany

Volunteer Spotlight: Amir Degany

Name: Amir Degany Town: Stoughton, Ma Volunteer activities: Adopt-A-Trail program since 2008, adopted the Wildcat Notch Path. FBH member since: 2006 Favorite Hike: Skyline Favorite thing to do in the Blue Hills: Hiking with my son and son-in-law, blueberry picking,...

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Annihilation Knotweed

Twenty two students, teachers and parents from the South Shore Public Charter School got together and helped remove 38 bales of Japanese Knotweed along the Neponset River. Ms. Emily Merwin, teacher and organizer helped coordinate the event and came up with the unique...

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Do you snowshoe in the Blue Hills?

Although there's still  not enough snow on the ground to snowshoe, we're looking for your recommendations for our next newsletter!  Do you snowshoe in the Blue Hills?  What are your favorite trails?  

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Your memories of the Blue Hills in the News

Your memories of the Blue Hills in the News

Several of the memories that people submitted to the 'Remember When' Contest are on WickedLocal.com.  Entries included Deb DaSilva's of Easton, who wrote the following: Remember when we took the kids to Ponkapoag? No TV, no reception, no complaints. It was a wonderful...

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High Mercury Levels Found in Ponkapoag Fish

High Mercury Levels Found in Ponkapoag Fish

According to WickedLocal Canton, the Department of Health found high levels of organic mercury in fish caught in Ponkapoag Pond, the Neponset River and two other locations in Canton.  If you fish locally, you'll want to check the advisory to see if you should limit...

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Catching Sight of a Fisher – Dave Kabatchnick, Quincy

Catching Sight of a Fisher – Dave Kabatchnick, Quincy

Of the many fine memories I have in and of the Blue Hills, I guess the number one experience was encountering Fishers (Martes pennanti) near Hemenway Hill. On July 7, 2006, I was walking with a friend when she stopped, grabbed my shoulder and whispered "look!" She...

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You can now bike at Ponkapoag

You can now bike at Ponkapoag

As you can see below, the Department of Conservation and Recreation has opened up the Ponkapoag Pond section of the Blue Hills to mountain biking. Here's the latest from the Department of Conservation and Recreation: The Blue Hills Resource Management Plan was...

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Volunteer Spotlight: Alok Kant

name:  Alok Kant Town: Canton Volunteer activities: Trail maintenance , working with FBH to control invasive species and looking forward to participate in other activities when time permits. FBH member since: March 2011 Favorite Hike: Blue dot trails between   rte 138...

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Great Blue Hill is Their Sacred Mountain

According to the Milton Times, the director of "Crooked Arrows" thought the Blue Hills was the perfect setting to film a sacred mountain.  We agree, it's definitely 'a gift.' Director Steve Rash – whose other work includes “The Buddy Holly Story” and the “Bring It On”...

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How Can a Pen Reduce Trash in the Blue Hills?

How Can a Pen Reduce Trash in the Blue Hills?

How can you help reduce trash in the Blue Hills – and increase recycling at the same time?  Help collect signatures for the ballot initiative to update the Bottle Bill! We've found that when people know they can redeem their bottles, they're less likely to leave them...

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Boy Scouts in Milton Explore Blue Hills Plants

Boy Scouts in Milton Explore Blue Hills Plants

Through stories, crafts and a scavenger hunt, Boy Scouts at Camp Sayre learned about plants in the Blue Hills. We’re delighted to partner with Camp Sayre and to meet so many enthusiastic scouts! For more photos, visit us on FaceBook.

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Shall We Embrace Invasive Species?

Shall We Embrace Invasive Species?

Yesterday’s Boston Globe featured an article questioning the ‘war on invasive species.’  Some ecologists, according to the article, challenge the prevailing wisdom to promote native plants and encourage control of invasive species. I hate to be a spoiler, but the end...

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Volunteer Spotlight: Sam Jaffe

Volunteer Spotlight: Sam Jaffe Town: Readville, MA Volunteer activities:  Leading butterfly and caterpillar walks, putting on live caterpillar shows at museums and sanctuaries to show off our fantastic native creatures, cataloging the caterpillars that use the blue...

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Robert’s Secret to a Healthy Forest

The Blue Hills has lots of the invasive plant, garlic mustard - particularly at the AMC Ponkapoag cabins.  Former Friends of the Blue Hills Board member, Robert Mussy, has had great success in controlling this invasive plant on his own property, which is very near the...

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What do we value and what do we want to see?

What do we value and what do we want to see?

What’s most important to all of us who care deeply about the Blue Hills Reservation?  What are our fundamental values and what do we want to see for the future?  We articulated the answers to those questions below.  We’d love to hear your feedback. Values We value an...

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Blue Hills Recognized as the Best Hiking around Boston

Blue Hills Recognized as the Best Hiking around Boston

You're probably not surprised, but it's certainly nice the Reservation was recognized by CBS Boston as one of the top spots for hiking near Boston. If you're looking for the right hike for you - check out our recommended hikes. And if you have a favorite hike - let us...

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Listen for the Whip-por-will at the Reservoir

Listen for the Whip-por-will at the Reservoir

Unless you’re an avid birder, you probably haven’t heard a whip-por-will .  People throughout Massachusetts have been hearing these nocturnal birds less and less often.  According to Paul Peterson’s post on MassBird, however, if you go to Blue Hills Reservoir on...

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