Skyline Society Member: Bob Tamkin

Bob Tamkin joined the Skyline Society by including the Friends of the Blue Hills in his estate planning.

Bob Tamkin hikes the Blue Hills trails every day with his dog. He credits the Blue Hills for enhancing the quality of this life. He feels that being in nature often is essential for a happy and healthy life.

This park is “an amazing resource,” he says. He feels strongly that “If it’s not protected, it won’t be there. It’s that simple.” Bob is grateful for the foresight that the park founders had over 100 years ago and wants to make sure it is there for people 100 years from now.

“The wisdom of the founders,” he says, “is that they recognized the need to set up an area where people can go and be in nature. We can’t leave it to others to protect the park. Everyone should contribute in whatever way they can to make sure this land is protected.”

Bob says that he feels strongly that nature and open space also have an inherent value… and he knows that our open space is disappearing.

“I want to do my part to preserve the park for future generations.”

In addition to making a modest contribution each year above his dues, Bob also included the Friends of the Blue Hills in his estate planning because “like anything else of value in life, if it is not cared for and protected, we will lose it.”

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Meet Denny and Win Swenson, other Skyline Society members.