Our Blog
Peek a Blue Hikes for You and Your Tots
Bring your tot to Houghton's Pond April 11 at 11 am. Join us to kick-off Peek a Blue Hikes, bi-weekly hikes for young children and their caregivers. Stories, songs and a scavenger hunt! More information.
Fruit Center Marketplace Helps Blue Hills on Earth Day
Fruit Center Marketplace and Friends of the Blue Hills Team Up to Celebrate Earth Day In celebration of Earth Day, the Fruit Center Marketplace will donate $2 for every customer who uses a reusable grocery bag in the store on Saturday, April 22. All proceeds of the...
Action Alert: Call Your Legislator to Support Our Parks
You can help make sure that our parks – including the Blue Hills - receive the funding that they need. Take Action Please call your legislators and urge them to include the Department of Conservation and Recreation as one of their top budget priorities. To find your...
Rockin’ in the Park
Rockin' in the Park Saturday, May 6, 1 pm- 3 pm Join Les Tyrala, a registered geologist, on this co-sponsored DCR and the Friends of the Blue Hills geology walk, as we explore the volcanic bedrock and glacial features of the Blue Hills. Learn the secrets of...
Give the Gift that Matters
Which Would You Prefer? Click here to Give the Blue Hills. Sponsor a Trail in honor of your friends and family. Sponsor a Trail. In the donation form select “Sponsor a Trail” from the drop-down menu labeled “Please direct my donation to”. Sponsor a...
Update: Bad Budget News for the Blue Hills – and Environmental Agencies
This week the Governor cut $98 million from the budget in what is called 9C cuts. The cuts included $500,000 to the Blue Hills Trailside Museum and $100,000 to the Blue Hill Observatory... as well as cuts of $9 million for all environmental agencies. That means that...
Maintain the Trails this Saturday AND (OR) Sunday!
You can maintain the trails both Saturday AND Sunday this weekend! Join FBH on Saturday at 9 at Houghton's -- or NEMBA on Sunday! Let your schedule -- or taste buds choose! (Pizza on Saturday and BBQ on Sunday! Two great options!) Friends of the Blue Hills Trail...
Resource Management Plan – Public Meeting Nov 10
Public Meeting Draft Resource Management Plan for the Blue Hills Complex Thursday, November 10, 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Sharon Public Library, 11 North Main Street, Sharon, MA The Department of Conservation and Recreation has updated the Resource Management Plan...
State Officials Approve 2016 Deer Management Plan for Blue Hills State Reservation
The following is a press release from the Department of Conservation and Recreation. State Officials Approve 2016 Deer Management Plan for Blue Hills State Reservation BOSTON – Thursday, October 6, 2016 – Today, the Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR), in...
In Memory of a Lover of the Blue Hills
We are honored that the family of David Dorsheimer has chosen the Friends of the Blue Hills as a charity worthy of accepting donations in his memory. Here is a little about his life. David A. Dorsheimer, a lifelong Dedham resident, passed away October 4, 2016 at home...
Thank You Conleth and TARC!
Many thanks to TARC (Trail Animals Running Club) for their generous gift to support the Friends of the Blue Hills trail work! Members of TARC help maintain the trails with their donation... giving back to the park where they run! Photo of Conleth Berry, Race Director...
Eagle Updates… Have you seen them?
Not Many Recent Eagle Sightings... and No Nests Yet By Lawrence Meyer Beginning in October 2014, the conspicuous presence of two mature bald eagles that could be seen almost daily perched in trees along the Neponset River from the parking lot at Milton Landing sparked...
Funding Restored for Blue Hills Trailside and Blue Hill Observatory
Thanks to the advocacy of many of our members and friends, the legislature has reversed the Governor's veto, restoring $500,000 in operating funds for the Blue Hills Trailside Museum and $100,000 for the Blue Hill Observatory. With adequate funding, these...
Last Year Raffle Winners – Rave Reviews for The Plate
Last year's raffle winner, Si Briseno, enjoyed a picnic lunch with friends at Ponkapoag Pond. Lunch was provided courtesy of The Plate in Milton, and by all accounts was delicious!
T-shirt Motto… Your ideas?
Friends of the Blue Hills will have new T-shirts this year! Help us come up with a great saying for the t-shirt! Like... "The Blue Hills... we're in it together!" Or... "Taking Care of it all... Friends of the Blue Hills." If we choose your idea, you win a free...
Job Opening: Trail Maintenance Associate
Friends of the Blue Hills Trail Maintenance Associate Do you like overseeing volunteers? Like being outdoors? Would you like a couple opportunities over the next three to six months to lead volunteers in maintaining the Blue Hills? The Friends of the Blue Hills...
Public Meeting: Deer Management Program Review & Proposal
The following is a press release from the Department of Conservation and Recreation. Mass. Department of Conservation and Recreation Mass. Department of Fish and Game State Senator Brian A. Joyce State Senator John F. Keenan State Representative Bruce J. Ayers State...
Action Alert: Support Trailside and Observatory
You can help make sure the Trailside Museum and the Blue Hill Observatory have the funding they need to continue to serve thousands of visitors each year. Take Action Please write, call or email the below legislators and urge them to include funding for operations for...
Peek a Blue Hikes for You and Your Tots
Peek a Blue Hikes for You and Your Tots Tuesday, September 27, 11:00 am Houghton's Pond main parking lot, 840 Hillside St, Milton (Click for all dates: Peek a Blue Hikes) Join the Friends of the Blue Hills for Peek a Blue Hikes... great for you and your tots! Enjoy...
Horseshoe Pitching in the Blue Hills
ST. MORITZ HORSESHOE PITCHING CLUB Bunker Hill Lane (Off Willard Street) W. Quincy, MA Monday evenings 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM May – September 2015 Spring has finally arrived in New England and that means horseshoe pitching time is here again! Time to get out, enjoy the...
Skyline Society Members: Win and Denny Swenson
Win and Denny included the Friends of the Blue Hills in their Will... so future generations will enjoy the Blue Hills like they do today. Denny and Win Swenson love the Blue Hills and want to make sure it’s taken care of for years to come. Denny Swenson grew up in...
Watching Eagles Near Blue Hills
Long-time Friends of the Blue Hills member and avid birder, Larry Meyer, has been watching the eagles who neighbor the Blue Hills. Since October 2014, a number of people (myself included) have been watching eagles that have been perching almost daily in trees...
Welcome New DCR Commissioner
The following is from a DCR press release. Leo Roy Named Commissioner of Department of Conservation and Recreation BOSTON – December 9, 2015 - Today, Energy and Environmental Affairs (EEA) Secretary Matthew Beaton announced that Leo Roy will serve as Commissioner of...
Petition to Support Trailside Museum and Observatory
Petition to Support Trailside Museum and Blue Hill Observatory The Blue Hills Trailside Museum and the Blue Hill Observatory serve tens of thousands of people each year, sparking their interest in science and the wonder of nature and the Blue Hills. These...