Our Blog
Giving Smart: How You Can Optimize Your Giving Strategies for Immediate Impact and Long-Term Legacy
Want to learn to make the biggest impact possible through strategic giving? Do you want to create a lasting legacy? Check out this video, where you’ll learn ways to do both! Many thanks to Martha Payne for lending her expertise and demystifying financial planning....
Important Update from the Friends of the Blue Hills
Milton, MA, September 19, 2023 – The Friends of the Blue Hills, a non-profit organization dedicated to the conservation and preservation of the Blue Hills Reservation, today announced that Judy Lehrer Jacobs, their esteemed Executive Director, will move on after an...
Your Chance to ‘Adopt-a-Forest’
As you travel the Blue Hills' trails, you pass through over 7,000 acres that serve as vital habitat for a multitude of wildlife. The habitat that wildlife depend on, however, is degraded by invasive species. Invasive plants, like mile-a-minute vine, grow quickly and...
Volunteer Highlight: Charlie Crosby – a Passion for Conservation
By Lauren Magee Meet Charlie Crosby, a passionate and dedicated individual who embodies the spirit of conservation and community engagement. As an active volunteer and member of the Friends of the Blue Hills, Charlie has become an integral part of the organization's...
Public Hearing: Quincy – Intersection improvements at Willard Street and Ricciuti Drive
In response to advocacy by Quarry Hills Citizen Advocates, and with the help of Councilor-At-Large Ann Mahoney, the Mass. Department of Transportation (MassDOT) has organized a public hearing regarding proposed improvements to the Willard St- Ricciuti Drive...
Why is Eliot Tower Closed?
By Michael Morgan It has stood sentry near the top of Great Blue Hill for some 85 years now, offering stunning, 270- degree views of Boston Harbor, the City of Boston and the South Shore. It has endured snow, rain, ice, burning sun, vandalism, fire and the footsteps...
Farley Sullivan: Enjoying the Blue Hills Today, Investing in Tomorrow
Interview by Michael Morgan Farley Sullivan loves nature – and people – and this is manifested in a variety of ways. The Milton resident spent a week in July helping the residents of Ludlow, VT and the Black River area recover from catastrophic flooding that occurred...
Great News for Our Parks
Good news for the Blue Hills – and for all our parks. Many thanks to our members and supporters who advocated for adequate funding for the Department of Conservation and Recreation. Your voices were heard. Last week, the legislature sent a $56.2 billion Fiscal Year...
You can Survey Poo-lution
Would you like to give back to the Blue Hills -- on your own time -- when you walk in the woods? You can join a group of volunteers who survey bio-pollution (read dog waste) in the park. We call them the Poo-lution Solution Team! While most people properly dispose...
Member Profile: Joe Greeley a ‘Good Scout’
By Michael Morgan An older term for a nice person is "a good scout." So, what do you call a nice person who was a Good Scout? We call him Joe Greeley. The Norwood resident has long worked at the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy in the Longwood section of Boston and...
The Blue Hills, The Best Dinner Ever, and You (Enter the Raffle to Win!)
Who knew helping out could TASTE SO GOOD?! Yes indeed, in one lovely gesture, you can help to clean, protect, and preserve the Blue Hills . . . and enter to win a spectacularly scrumptious dinner for 6 — YUM! Please help the Friends of the Blue Hills take care of our...
Remembering Betty Boop: a Poo-lution Solution Champion
Remembering Betty Boop: a Poo-lution Solution Champion Interview with Jen Brodbeck by Lauren Magee, Friends of the Blue Hills Social Media Intern Betty Boop, a female German Shephard, was our #1, Bone-afide Super Sniffer for the Poo-lution Solution team. Betty Boop...
Cold Blooded Snakes: Friends not Foes
Let John Walsh, a member of the Board of Trustees of the Friends of the Blue Hills, introduce you to our cold-blooded friends in the Blue Hills. John is a biologist and educator. The mercury is falling, winter gales are rising, and balmy weather is an increasingly...
See Your Impact: Annual Report 2022
A huge thank you to all our members, supports, volunteers and leaders for helping to care for the Blue Hills. Read the 2022 Annual Report today to learn how you have made a positive impact on the park we all love.
Action Alert: Contact Your State Senator
Please contact your state senator today to let him or her know you value our state parks and want to make sure they are adequately funded. See sample email below. The Senate Ways and Means has just released its version of the state budget. The budget is $2.7 million...
125-Mile Club Participant (and finisher!): Matthew Thomas
Matthew Thomas completed the 125-Mile Club hike… and then reflected on his journey. He says, “I didn't strive to take the most "efficient" route - more so I would think "where do I want to go and what do I want to see today?" And then would see what I haven't done...
125-Mile Club Enthusiastic Participant: Loraine Sumner
Interview by Diana Gomberg Loraine Sumner is one the hundreds of enthusiastic participants in the 125-Mile Club! To challenge yourself to explore all 125 miles of trails in the Blue Hills, learn more and sign up here. Loraine reveals below what inspires her to...
Action Alert: Contact Your State Rep to Support Our Parks
Please contact your state legislator today to let them know you value our state parks and want to make sure they are adequately funded. See sample email below. While more people than ever are visiting state parks like the Blue Hills, funding to support the park...
Explore More this May: Free events to celebrate the 125-Mile Club Challenge
Are you stuck in your routine? Want to see new sights? Meet new people? Then #ExploreMore and sign up for the 125-Mile Club! Whether or not you sign up for the 125-Mile Club, you're welcome to join us for any of the special celebration events this May! You do need...
Advocacy for Quincy Trails to the Blue Hills
Anne, a long-time Friends’ member, lived in an apartment complex adjacent to the Granite Links Golf Course. For over a year, she looked for a trail to the Blue Hills. She asked neighbors, friends, and employees at the golf course but, even though the course borders...
Invasive Plants that Threaten the Blue Hills
Watch arboretum director, Debbie Merriam, to explore the world of invasive plants that live in the Blue Hills and threaten our native plants and animals. You’ll also learn how you can join volunteers and members of the Friends of the Blue Hills to control these...
Blue Hills Champion: Joanna Dahl
Joanna is a monthly donor and Blue Hills Champion because the Blue Hils is such a big part of her family’s life.
Blue Hill Champion: Annemarie Rom-Weisenbach
The Blue Hills has been part of Annemarie's life for decades. Now she supports it year round as a Blue Hills Champion! Interview by Michael Morgan Needham resident and Blue Hills Champion Annemarie Rom Weisman has a busy life, with a full-time job and workouts with a...
Blue Hills Champions: Cindy Gillan and Matt Hickey
Cindy and Matt have a love affair with the Blue Hills... and become Blue Hills Champions!Interview by Michael Morgan Dedham residents Cindy Gillan and Matt Hickey are long-time supporters and users of the Blue Hills. Matt is a lifetime resident of the area while Rhode...